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22.09.23 || Operationalising 'Responsible AI' in Public Administration: A Complex Socio-Technical Problem

On September 22, 2023, Jason Grant Allen, SMU Yong Pung How School of Law Associate Professor of Law and Director of the SMU Centre for AI & Data Governance (CAIDG), delivered an illuminating presentation at the TechLaw.Fest. His talk, titled "Operationalising 'Responsible AI' in Public Administration: A Complex Socio-Technical Problem", delved into the intricacies of responsible AI governance, spanning technical, organisational, and legal aspects.

In his presentation, Jason emphasised these key takeaways:

Ethics of the Service Model: There is a potential shift towards an "ethics of the service" model, where responsibility for ethical AI usage is shared between AI developers and external entities.

AI Governance as an Interdisciplinary Challenge: AI governance goes beyond legal rules; it is a multifaceted challenge that includes software engineering, ethics, regulatory theory, corporate governance, and more.

Human Augmentation vs. Replacement: The focus should be on developing AI tools that augment human decision-making rather than replacing human roles, which can prevent ethical issues downstream.

Feedback Loop and Collaboration: Collaboration between various disciplines involved in AI governance is essential, and a feedback loop should be established to iterate and improve AI systems continuously.

Three Layers of Responsible AI: Responsible AI encompasses a technical layer (data hygiene, model design), an organisational layer (deployment and human roles), and an external liability layer (legal mechanisms for addressing AI-related issues).

Jason’s insights underscored the multifaceted nature of AI governance and the need for collaborative efforts and interdisciplinary approaches to build a responsible and sustainable AI ecosystem. Be part of the conversation as we explore synergies in the world of technology, law and AI here at the CAIDG.

Last updated on 24 Nov 2023 .