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17.07.24 || Internal Research Seminar on "Navigating the Legal Landscape of FoodTech: Ensuring Food Security in the 21st Century"

On 17 July, we were honoured to have Prof. Dov Greenbaum (Harry Radzyner Law School, Reichman University) deliver an internal research seminar on "Navigating the Legal Landscape of FoodTech: Ensuring Food Security in the 21st Century" at SMU.

Prof. Greenbaum delved into the intersection of FoodTech and law, examining how legal frameworks can both support and hinder efforts to achieve food security. He covered critical issues such as intellectual property rights, regulatory compliance, and the ethical considerations of emerging technologies like lab-grown meat and precision agriculture. By examining these critical areas, he highlighted the vital role of law in fostering an equitable and sustainable food system for the future.

Given Singapore's strategic focus on food security through initiatives like '30 by 30', which aims to produce 30% of its nutritional needs locally by 2030, understanding the legal landscape of FoodTech is crucial for the nation’s ambitions to enhance resilience and sustainability in its food supply.

We thank Prof. Greenbaum for his invaluable insights, which provided a deeper understanding of how legal and regulatory frameworks can evolve to support FoodTech innovations. As the world grapples with population growth and climate change, compounded by severe supply chain disruptions during the pandemic, FoodTech innovations promise to revolutionize the way we produce, distribute, and consume food. It is essential to continue examining the complex legal and regulatory challenges these advancements bring.

Last updated on 06 Sep 2024 .