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16.01.20 || SMU-Microsoft Asian Dialogue on AI Governance


CAIDG is proud to have hosted the first roundtable of the SMU-Microsoft Asian Dialogue on AI Governance, made possible by the support provided by Microsoft.

The Dialogue on AI Governance will provide a framework for engaging the governance of AI technologies from an Asian perspective by bringing together a multi-disciplinary group of researchers on AI governance from academic institutions from across the region. Our academic partners include scholars from SMU School of Law, ANU College of Law, Centre for Communication Governance at National Law University, Delhi, Law and Technology Centre, HKU, Peking University, Seoul National University, The University of Tokyo / UTokyo and Tsinghua University.

The first roundtable, held on 16 January 2020, was designed to identity future topics that The Dialogue would delve deeper into. A report on the presentations delivered can be read here.  

Participants will be presenting advances in their research on these identified governance challenges in subsequent roundtables. More information about The Dialogue can also be found here.

Last updated on 05 Mar 2020 .