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14.08.23 || Globalisation and Tax Administration

CAIDG co-hosted an illuminating event on Globalisation and Tax Administration alongside Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals (SCTP). The esteemed Dr. Adrian Sawyer, a luminary in the field and Professor of Taxation at the University of Canterbury Business School, unveiled a captivating case study. This study spotlighted how New Zealand, a small yet resilient jurisdiction, has adroitly recalibrated its policies and administration in response to the sweeping global policy transformations.

Dr. Adrian Sawyer's riveting presentation delves into the captivating New Zealand narrative, examining its policy and administrative trajectories over the last six to eight years. This expedition gains greater significance within the broader context of the Inland Revenue’s Business Transformation project, successfully completed in 2022. The digitization journey embarked upon by New Zealand's Inland Revenue is meticulously scrutinized, unearthing valuable insights for tax administrations globally grappling with similar challenges.

Our gratitude extends to everyone who participated in this enlightening exchange of ideas. Let's continue to traverse the paths of globalisation, taxation, digitalisation, and policy, fostering greater understanding across borders.

Last updated on 24 Nov 2023 .