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02.09.21 || Adapting to the Digital Trade Era: Challenges and Opportunities

In this webinar held on 2 Sep moderated by Dr Maarten Smeets, non-resident fellow at the World Trade Institute (Bern), the panel discusses a number of specific issues that policymakers need to address in responding to the challenges and opportunities offered by digital trade. The discussion is based on the book of the same title edited by Dr Smeets, which contained contributions from WTO Chair holders, members of the Advisory Board and WTO Secretariat staff.

The panel consisted of Assoc Prof Henry Gao (SMU YPHSL), Asst Prof Amrita Bahri (ITAM, Co-Chair for Mexico), Ms Roberta Piermartini (Chief of Trade Costs Analysis, WTO), Prof Robert Teh (Extraordinary Professor in Trade and Development at North-West University), and Ms Yue Jiang (Lecturer, School of Trade Negotiations, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics). Dr Mia Mikic (ARTNeT Advisor) closed the session.

Last updated on 09 Mar 2022 .